viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

For next Monday, April 22

Hi guys!!

As I promised, here you have the exercises for next Monday:

From 22 to 37, in Unit 6. All of then are very easy, and remember that you don't have to copy the instructions.

Sorry for writing it so late...

And have a nice weekend!!

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

For next Monday, April 8

Hello guys,

As I promised, here you have the activities for next Monday. We will start reading the theory part on pages 15 and 16 related to Polygons (Unit 6).

Do activities from 17 to 21. I'll explain Phytagoras' Theorem in class on Wednesday.

After correcting all that activities, we will have a look to exercise 38, the reading reinforcement activity. Read it at home and try the exercises on it.

And that's all, folks!!!

Have a nice and a sunny weekend!!

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

After the Holy Week

Hello guys!!

For this week, to finish all the activities related to Sexagesimal System, go to Unit 6 and do activities from 12 to 16.

We will correct all of them next Wednesday.

That's all!!